Monday, September 7, 2015

First Week in St. George& New Address

Hola Familia,

Wow there is so much stuff that has happened over the last few days and it is literally blowing my mind. Well so if you didn't know already I got to see Dallin H. Oaks last Tuesday before I left the MTC and it was so awesome. I can't wait to tell the other Elders who left before I did. Man was getting here a hassle first off waking up early was not fun and then I had to take a bus, to get on a train, to get on a tram, to get to the airport to go through security, to get on a plane just to come a few hours away. While I was waiting in the baggage line a lady asked me where I was going and said if I want she can send a picture to my mom and of course I said yea. Oh yeah it was great getting to hear from most of you the other day while I was waiting for my flight. Well when we started to board I found my seat and plopped my bum next to a middle aged woman and continued to talk with mom. After I hung up I apologized and started to talk with this lady about everything. Then I asked her to get baptized on the spot. No I'm just kidding, I asked her why she was flying to Saint George and she said she was from Philadelphia and she is on a little vacation with her husband. Then I asked if she has been to Utah before and she told me this was her first time. What are the odds that she is not a member now right, so I asked if she was and she said no. Just what I wanted an opportunity to teach someone about Christ and give them the book that has saved many souls as well as my own. I talked with her the whole flight from when we took off till we landed about a ton of stuff mostly about family and religion though and by the end I told her what it can do for her and as well as the blessings that come. I pulled out a Book of Mormon and gave it to her and then we stated to get off. It was nuts. 
I have almost been in the field a week now and it is so wonderful because now I actually get real food and since I'm still in Utah the church is pretty strong here, but all I do is put on a name tag and start helping people and the members treat us like celebrities. Sometimes they pay for our food, groceries, or just come up and give us money. The sad thing is though even though it's all great and all I won't have these blessings in Mexico, but it's cool that I get to experience both sides. The first day out in the field my companion and I taught a couple of lessons and did some other things, but it was crazy because they literally throw you out into the fire. The next day my companion had a district meeting same with another trainer, so they put me and another new Elder that came in the same day I did together and dropped us off in a sketchy part of town and told us to get to work. So Elder Holt and I start knocking on doors and doing what I thought we should do even though we had no training. I'm telling you this place was sketchy because every house looked like a crack house and most had Pit Bulls foaming at the mouth ready to kill and I'm pretty sure I saw some missionary name tags in the yard from previous missionaries that tried to knock on their door. 
I had dinner last night with a family and their son served in Philadelphia the same time as Isaac's older brother Jake Meline and they had a picture of him on the fridge. Another thing that was funny was a kid paid for our food one day a Red Robins and he was there when we had dinner last night it was pretty funny. So I'm living with members and they are absolutely the best people on this earth because they do so much for us and they really do care how we are doing. They have had missionaries live at their house for about 5 or so years and if you want to send me letters and packages my address is 1009 North 2050 East St. George, UT 84770. Yesterday was my first sacrament meeting completely in Spanish and it was fantastic everyone seemed normal and they were happy to see the Elders and I understood about 10% of what everyone was saying, it was great. This week has been really funny because everywhere I go people always ask my companion Elder Day, "What happened to the other guy?" Great now what I think they think is, " Who is this joker fresh out of the MTC?" Speaking about the MTC Daniel's brother is a teacher there now for Tongan and Haden Wall is there right now. Sacrament was so good because everyone was speaking Spanish and I got really nothing out of it other than a really good feeling and also getting showed up by a kid that was whiter than me and a little girl who spoke flawlessly in Spanish. 
Honestly the field is not as bad as I thought, I would have to say the MTC was pretty much the worst of it so far, but our Heavenly Father seems to do that. When we start to get comfortable with something He throws us a little curve because he knows we are ready to grow and progress even more. Teaching people is a ton of fun and same with getting free stuff. Read Alma 32 it is a great chapter and helps us realize that we need to continue to nourish our spiritual seed because it is the little things that help us continue to grow and produce good fruit. We don't want our seed to get weak and dry up to wither away because it is hard to bring a dead plat back to life so just like in Kung Fu Panda Oogway say's, " If you love it, nurture it, and care of it, it will turn into a beautiful peach tree." I'm so excited to be here in Saint George because I know someone needs me down here or I need them. It's actually pretty crazy the odds of my companion Elder Day and I being comps together. Because I was supposed to be in Mexico and he told me that he has never heard of a visa waiter for Mexico and my flight plans got changed right so that's my part of the story. Now for Elder Day's part. So he actually could be home right now if he went out when he was supposed to, but before he left on his mission he broke his arm and couldn't even dress himself so they pushed his availability date back a transfer. So he could be home right now if he didn't break his arm. Anyways that would have changed his whole mission because of the people he would be with. So then before I came out everyone in Saint George was waiting to see who their new companion was going to be as well as to see if they were getting transferred. Elder Day was not supposed to be my trainer at all because I was supposed to go to Gunnison with some other guy, but one Elder wanted to get out of Cedar so he denied the transfer because he was not being moved from Cedar and he wanted out so they put him in Gunnison where I was going and they moved Elder day's old companion to Cedar and I got paired up with Elder Day it was flipping crazy what had happened here before I even got here. Well I love you all with and can't wait to hear back from you my P-Days are now on Monday and I have a lot more time than 60 minutes and I can also I-message you too.
- Elder Wolford 

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