Monday, September 14, 2015

The Visa is here!!

Mi Familia,

Well Saint George is really awesome and I love it down here. So just the other day we had a zone meeting about the number for last month and our goals for this month which took about 4 hours of my life. Anyways after this meeting my companion Elder Day and I had to talk to one of the Brothers in the mission office about getting own new phone and as We walked in there the lady at the desk looked at me and said, " Oh good your visa is here." Finalmente está aquí!!! She said she would hold the paper work at the office for me until I was closer to leaving, but I have to drive to Las Vegas sometime in the next two weeks to go to the Mexican Consulate. Apparently that's all I really had to do to get my visa because if I would have went earlier my visa would have got here a lot faster. Crazy huh. I think I leave for Mexico on October 14 which is Isaiah's birthday so that will be fun. I'm learning a lot here which is good because it will help me before I go to Mexico and My trainer is so awesome he has told me so much and helped me to prepare myself for a ton of things that are out in the mission field. The past few days there was a massive fire in the mountains up here and it was pretty big I've got some pictures of it. Yesterday was a good day because we had a broadcast from BYU for all of southern Utah and it was great and really funny. Mom sister Tylor contacted  you the other day by sending pictures right? Anyways so yesterday we were talking at dinner about how her son had Facebook on his mission and then my companion said, " I'm going to be completely honest with you we looked you up before you got here because I was worried I was going to get another weirdo for my comp and I wanted to know if you were normal or not." I was like really. It was pretty funny and this family is really awesome and man does she know how to cook. The food has been so good now that I'm finally out of the MTC prison food haha. Jace emailed me the other day I was worried because his email was on my other account, but that's when I got an email from him it was great. Funny story time so last Monday night I had dinner and a members house and it was normal shared a quick little message and then that was it right. Well I got an email from Maddie and she said I just had dinner at her best friends house and they have been friends since elementary school. What are the odds right? Elder Day thought it was pretty funny and got a kick out of it. Another night when we had dinner at another members house the husband was from Mexico and he started telling a whole lot about what to expect and some friendly tips to help me when I get down there. I can't wait the excitement is killing me. During one of our lessons with one of our investigators he told me I need to pack some heat and carry a machete so that no one would bother me. A lot of people have told me try to blend in and don't have fancy things that would attract someone's gaze, but that is going to be really hard for a 6ft 4in pasty white kid from America to do. Well hope I can hear from you soon love you all 

- Elder Wolford

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