Tuesday, October 20, 2015

First Letter from Mexico

Dear Familia,

Finally the time has come for me to be where I was called to be and so far it is so much better than I thought it would be. Before I got here there was so many people that told me there would be no milk, nesquik, clean water, and tons of other stuff. So far I have been to Wal-mart and got milk, peanutbutter, yogurt, and bread and I got Little Ceasers today. I think Mexico has more nesquik products than America. Everyone here is pretty short, but I'm not the tallest elder here and the stores they have here have bars that are probably 6ft tall so I have to duck a ton. Yes I have already hit my head a couple of times. The food is so good and I had a cow tongue taco the other night with some members that took us. It's pretty crazy because nomally you would look forward while you walk, but here you need to look at the ground the whole time or you will step in dog crap, trip on metal sticking out of the ground, or fall into a man hole it keeps me light on my toes. The spanish is coming, but to be honest I'm still pretty bad and I can't understand what people are sayng all the time so by the end of the day my brain is shot and I fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Thanks for the last package it was great and Dad thanks again for the fan some days it will be cold and others it will get pretty warm. Isaiah HAPPY BIRTHDAY man I hope it was awesome and fun and Eli yours is coming up fast. Most of the missionaries that are here are from Utah like I mean 85% of them are. My comp Elder Millar is super cool and we get along really well he went to Hillcrest High which is only 30 minutes away from our house. So for packages and stuff my comp said that his mom uses UPS and so far everything has gotten to him even a credit card. He told me if you use UPS or FEDEX that they will get here fine, but sometimes it can get a little pricey. the address is

Av. del Taller No. 540
Col. Jardin Balbuena
Delag. Venustiano Carranza
15900 Mexico City, Distrito Federal

I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you. Today had to be a short one because we had a ton of stuff to do.
Love you will all my heart 
-Elder Wolford  

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