Monday, November 2, 2015

Day of the Dead

Dear Familia,

Oh my goodness so much has been happening here in Mexico and I can't believe that I have been here for three weeks. So last Friday I was not feeling so good like my allergies were being very dumb and I was sneezing all day for some reason and there was no way I could stop it. No joke I sneezed about 235 times it was awful. Everywhere I went I would sneeze and the people here would say bless you our salud. Later that same day I was looking out of the window in our apartment and I see a guy only in his boxers on top of a garbage truck that was super weird, but hey that's Mexico. Last Wednesday the whole mission got to listen to Elder Neilson from the 70 and he is in charge of the missionaries, it was really good because he spoke English so they had a translator for Spanish so I was super blessed because I'm still pretty bad at it. He talked a lot about how we can improve the way we work and what ways are more effective. I really learned a ton and can't wait to actually apply it to my teaching when I will finally be able to. The day before Halloween my comp and I were invited to a little kid party with members and they asked if we could help with decorations and other stuff and my comp and I thought it would be cool to have costumes too. So he went as Clark Cent and I went as Captain America. We had the super hero shirts under our white dress shirts it was super awesome and the member asked if I would show the little kids how to dance like an American, so I did and it was really funny because they thought I was from out of this world. Everybody now calls me Gigantic. On Halloween day though we could only be outside till 2:00 p.m. because Pres said that it can get a little crazy at night, so we stayed inside for most of the day and he said that if it gets crazy Sunday go inside. We celebrate Halloween on the 31st they do to, but on November 1st they celebrate the day of the dead and apparently that's when people decide it is a great idea to get really drunk or high. 
On Sunday after church we were walking getting ready to go to someones house and that's when  someone threw a cup of coke at me and my comp.  Luckily we were talking about the Book of Mormon so we were protected because it landed right in front of me and behind my comp, but he had to jump a little to get out of the way, but there was no harm done. Ok so after my mission I'm totally coming back to buy something super cool. They have the Nacho Libre bikes down here and almost everyone has them because they use them to sell food. They are not motorized though, but I think I could get someone to help me build it haha. A ton  of stuff here is really cheep so it's super easy to get stuff, but somethings are just plane expensive and to much for the budget of a missionary. I really wanted a jump rope so I could use it in the morning for my workout, but of course they are not great quality and pricey so I bought 10 m of rope for about 50  pesos and made myself one and it works pretty well. Alright I want to say Happy birthday to Eli and hope you get that room the way you want it bub, have a good one and wow 14 already man that's  crazy now you're going to be a teacher now. Time  is going by so fast. Also Happy birthday to my awesome grandpa that has been in a ton of important parts of my life and has taught me so amazing things. He really is one of my biggest examples because the love he has for others is unbelievable and I hope one day I can love people as much as he does. I love you Eli and Paps and wish you both a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I don't know why they are getting home so late, but this one will for sure because I didn't get time to write until 8:00. The weather here is really consistent and my comp says it never really changes even in the winter. Oh and it doesn't snow so have fun with the snow up there. So just a little about my comp Elder Millar he is 19 and has been out for 13 months, he is from Murray Utah and went to Hillcrest High, he loves to play golf, climb, and mountain bike. He is flipping awesome and we know some of the same people which is pretty cool and we get along super well. So we are teaching a couple of people right now and working on  getting them ready for baptism, but it is a little difficult because my comp is the only one teaching because I can't do very much other than give a little prayer and testimony with my broken Spanish. That is probably the thing 'm dreading the most because I want to talk so bad and help teach too, but I don't know enough yet to do that and that's killing me sometimes. I know it will come because I have the faith that it will and the desire to learn. I won't lie it is hard, but we were made to do hard things. I'm pretty sure by mother's day I will have a pretty good grasp on it. I love you all so so much and pray for you. Continue to study the Doctrines of Christ and read in the Book of Mormon because this is were we find the answers to our questions and desires. As well as it will be our guide on the path of truth and righteousness. Again I love you all and can't wait to hear from you.

- Elder Wolford 

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