Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Crazy lady spilled the rice!!!

Success is finally coming after 6 months of people not progressing and struggling to find new people to teach my comp and I have had three baptisms and we are working with others to get to that point. Sorry I couldn't write yesterday I didn't get any time so I'm writing today. First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABE!!!!!! I hope you had a great birthday and had tons of fun I love you so much and send you my love all the way from Mexico. I'm doing pretty good and I am learning a lot everyday. It's crazy that Gabe is 13 now everybody is getting so big and a lot is changing back at home it's a little weird because I will have 8 months in the mission on the 22nd of this month and it still feels like I just left. 

So in our area we have this really crazy lady that has something wrong with her head, but she acts normal every once in awhile. The other day we had a little ward party and she was there with her daughter and she wanted to help with the arroz con leche or rice with milk. So she put about 15 cups of this arroz con leche on a tray and started to pass it around, but the hermano said it wasn't time yet so she put the tray on a chair. The hermano told her to take the tray back to the kitchen, but when she picked up the tray it caught the edge of the chair and fell all over the floor it was pretty funny. This Crazy lady has also yelled in my face multiple times and for other white missionaries she tells them that they are the father of her kid and one time she said to me, "I have my papers I have my paper to go to the US!!" This lady is bonkers, but she is one person I will never forget.

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