Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nashville Tribute Band

Querido Familia, 

 Ok so this Sunday for the devotional we got the chance to sing and listen to the Nashville Tribute Band and it was so cool look them up the got some really good songs. One of the best ones is called " I was born" mom and dad listen to verse 3 closely because there is a line in there that is perfect for why I'm here. This band was so good and they brought me to tears a few times through their music please look them up also look up "Missionary work and the Atonement" on YouTube it's really awesome. Mom today was the first day I got my haircut from someone other than you and at first I was a little concerned that nobody else could do my hair, but he did a really good job and hopefully you get the picture. Oh and that other one is my teacher that has helped me so much. Anyways my companions are Elder Smith and Elder Gwilliam I'm pretty sure I already shared that with you and I will send you pictures of both. That's so crazy that everyone is already starting school make sure you all work hard and Gabe you will do great in junior high you will like it more than elementary school trust me. So Justin comes in tomorrow and Mitch left this Monday for Russia crazy huh. It amazes me how much I have learned here and how much I still need to learn. I haven't heard anything about my visa hopefully it comes in time for me to leave when I'm supposed to or I might be here longer. It actually happened to an Elder in our zone, but it was because there was to many people in his mission and he had to wait another week for someone to go home. Thanks for all the letters and I got Grandma Brenda's as well as Aunt Ashely, Tiffany, and Jamie's. It makes my day and I love to read them when I get them. I have this quote on the back of my favorite picture of Jesus that was painted by Liz Lemon Swindle. The quote is by Elder Bruce R. McConkie and it says, " I AM CALLED OF GOD. My authority is above that of kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master and he has chosen me to represent him. To stand in his place, to say and do what he himself would say and do if he personally were ministering to the very people to whom he has sent me. My voice is his voice,and my acts are his acts; my words are his words and my doctrine is his doctrine. My commission is to do what he wants done. To say what he wants said. To be a living modern witness in the word and deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous latter-day work." I love you all for ever and ever.

Dad I sent a picture of some questions and I would love for you to send me the answers as soon as possible because I get to be an investigator and I want to know how it was for you when the missionaries came an talked with you. Again look up that song I told you to in the beginning and listen to the 3rd verse it's my favorite for a reason and I want to tell you thanks for what you have done as well as mom, but thanks for the decisions you have made. I love you and I know something will come when it is best and when it's right. Thank you so much for the fan it really has saved my life hundreds of times on hot nights and thanks for the Wolford name and pictures I have already shared it with my companion from England.

Love you all and can't wait to hear from you again keep it up and do your best. Say your prayers and study the scriptures and smile. The power of a smile goes a long way. 
- Elder Wolford

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