Well it is going
really great the branch presidency just told me this last Sunday I don't
have to be the district leader anymore because there are assigning it
to someone else. I was so excited, but yet saddened that some other pore
sucker had to take on the responsibility. It's ok though because they
pulled my companions and I in a separate room and told us that we will
be the new Zone leaders over all three districts. "Knew it!!!" I
told myself that after they said we need new zone leaders in a week or
so, it was exactly how I knew I was going to be the district leader the
first time. This is how it went for both in my head. Watch they are going to ask you to be the district leader / zone leader, but please don't be me please. What
do you know it happened both times crazy huh. We don't have any sisters
in our entire zone which is probably a good thing because some of these
Elders might have a hard time focusing on their studies, but we have a
whole lot more coming in the next few weeks as the other districts
leave. Dad there is an Elder here going to Louisville Kentucky and I
think Evansville is part of his mission. His name is Elder Weeks and he
know one of my friends Kate. Anyways the MTC schedule is finally normal
to me and everyday seems to go by faster and faster. Yesterday we had a
lesson with our progressing investigator and our lesson was on the Plan
of Salvation. The previous lesson we gave him the pamphlet and asked him
to read it and think of any questions he might have when we were to
return. So when we did he had questions about El mundo de los espíritus y
Reinos de gloria. So we started to explain what they were about and why
they were important and after twenty or so minutes we realized we had
one minute left to teach and were about to wrap things up, but Our
investigator had another question so we stayed seated and listened to
what he had to say. Basically he wanted to know how happy families were
apart of this plan when there is so much adoption, abortion, single
parents, and he said in Guatemala sometimes the just leave them on their
own. My companion Elder Smith and I didn't know how to answer that in
Spanish and it's hard enough to explain in English, but Elder Gwilliam
started saying things that just worked and as I looked into the eyes of
the man that we were teaching tears stared to flow down his cheeks one
after another. The spirit filled the room and it was such an amazing
experience to be apart of even though I didn't say anything. These past
few days have been pretty normal other than the absolute chaos it was to
plan what everyone in your district is going to do in class for the
whole week. Oh yeah an Elder yesterday while he was teaching his
investigator was explaining how we are baptized by water then by
infierno which means Hell. So he told the investigator that he will be
baptized by Hell. It was funny. Earlier this week I got to play
volleyball with an Elder who is going to play with BYU when he gets back
it was a lot of fun because we played 2 against 4 and we wrecked
honestly if we would have played six we still would have won. I got a
letter from Grandma Brenda and Aunt Ashely today it was the best because
Grandma put these folded up paper arms in the card to give me a hug it
was great. Today we went to the temple and one of the names I had was
Isaiah it was awesome because he came from a place only a few miles away
from where my companion lives. Well I'm going to try to send some
pictures hopefully you get them. Love you all so much and can't wait to
talk to you again.
Mom that's crazy that you cooked all that
food and great job everyone for helping. Dad I'm starting to do more
push-ups and pull-ups every time I can because you never know when I get
to Mexico I might have to climb walls and run from dogs. Haha.
Madison keep me updated on how you are doing with volleyball.
- Elder Wolford
My friend Mitch and Me
My friend Mitch and Me
Elder Wolford and his Best Friend Mitch found each other at the MTC |
Chilling with the Comps
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