Monday, February 29, 2016


Oh my goodness what a week and Eli really that's how you break your wrist jumping over one of your friends at school I thought you would have broken it playing volleyball or something. Well this week was good we got some new people to teach and I had my first baptism last Saturday and it was super awesome because he is the boyfriend of a less active and she brought him to church one day and said that he is interested in learning about the church and how she wants to come to church more often as well, but I got to baptize him on Saturday. They have plans to get married and get married in the temple so that's super cool. My comp and I are doing really well in our area and we are starting to have a lot of success and finding people that are interested in learning more. I was talking with another missionary in my zone yesterday about missionary work and living up to your potential and seeing where you were before and where you are now. It was awesome talking to this Elder because I have known him since I've been here and he is a great example to me, but as we were talking we got on the subject of how difficult it is to see your own progress. He told me that he still feels the same and he has 5 months left, but his family keeps telling him that he is totally different and that's when I thought to my self a little bit. It really is true you can't really see your progress until after someone tells you or you take the time to evaluate. I meet a guy in the street the other night and he asked where I was from in some what English and I told him Utah. He smiled and said, "I live there for 10 years." and yes he said live, but after talking with him for awhile I realized that I could speak better Spanish only having 5 months in Mexico than his English for being in the US for 10. I am truly being blessed. With the same Elder we talked about the importance of reading the scriptures. Honestly before the mission I hardly read the scriptures in fact I hardly read because I wasn't a big fan. I would rather watch tv, play video games, hangout with my friend, etc than read in the scriptures. I want to tell you now that the scriptures should be and are the #1 priority before anything else. It gives us the protection we need throughout the day and here in the mission it is one of my favorite things to do because I learn so much more and I love reading because I find things I can use for me and for my investigators. I enjoy the scriptures and it helps me to know who Jesus Christ is so that when he comes I will be able to recognize him. It is important to read everyday and apply it to your lives to help you become better. As I was reading the other day a chapter in the Book of Mormon really helped me a ton in was 2 Nephi 4  I really liked verses 30-33. Anyways nothing to crazy happened here this week except today while my comp and I were walking a semi-truck drove right past us and one of the tires popped and it sounded like a gun shot so I jumped a little and my comp and I were laughing pretty hard about it. I love you guys and hope that all is well except Eli breaking his wrist like a dill-weed.
-Elder Wolford  

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