Monday, February 29, 2016

I can't make dirty pudding

So this week has been a little different because Pres gave us three days out of the week to go to the temple and do a session, but we had to work on Monday because the three days we could go where yesterday today and tomorrow. Anyways a lot has happened like I was in the hospital for 24 with another Elder because he had something wrong with his brain and Pres needed someone to spend the night because his comp had slept there the night before so I happily volunteered. I can kinda play one song now on the guitar and I will try to send you a video of me playing when I get it down a little bit better. That's so cool that you got to meet Cody and go to a Jazz game it seems that the blessings are coming now that I'm out of the house. Tell Kyall that one of my friends from high school is going to Calgary Canada Feb 17th and I told her to get in contact with her. We have a baptism not this Saturday, but the next one and it's a little girl and she is 9 years old has a boyfriend and likes to drink coffee so we had to teach her a little bit about that. We are also teaching a family that is very similar to our family they have two older daughters and three younger brothers and they are super cool. One day in Gospel Principals our investigator was in the class with us and the teacher started to teach a little apostasy and she made a commit and told this guy what was right. It was pretty funny. Oh yeah the other day my comp and I were in a micro which is pretty much a bus, but anyway as we were on our way home I looked out the window and saw a man up ahead, but he looked funny for some reason. As we got closer it became more clear he was bending over and his pants were on the ground with his butt facing the bus and my comp and I looked at each other and started to laugh. So I got some Christmas cards this week from the Day family, Gradma-B, Aunt Ashley as well as the birthday card from them and the package from the Wilsons which had everything inside and was super awesome because it had a bunch of goodies a boss book and a byu t-shirt. I still don't know if I have the package waiting in the offices or if it hasn't come yet, but I think my comp and I are going to check soon. Spanish is coming and I still can't find pudding so that blows because I can't make dirty pudding yet. Well that's pretty much it I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful week.
-Elder Wolford

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