Friday, July 1, 2016

Forgetting What Home Feels Like.

¡Que Onda?

Wow this Past cycle has been very adventurous and I have been all over the place lately like three different zones/areas, had four comps, was a temporary zone leader, and I won't train till the end of this cycle because my kid doesn't get here till then and he is only a temporary because his mission is in Arizona I think. This last week I was with and Elder named Elder Figueroa and he was super cool and I learned a ton from this Elder in only one week, but being a zone leader with him was a real awesome experience because I got a little training on what I need to do if I become a leader in the future which will help me a lot. The only difference is that you have more meetings and have to report every night, but other than that it's not too bad, but now that I'm back in my area in Revolution I'm pretty sure Pres is going to keep me there for a good amount of time because he has changed me so much, but who knows. Last Monday I played basketball for the first time in a very long time with a bunch of Elders and people that were there and I played with a kid bigger than me so that was super cool getting wrecked. Also now our mission we can wear hats and sunglasses because they want us to use more protection and also the Sister missionaries can wear pants because of mosquitoes that are spreading illnesses and it has happened in other missions more south. 

It's weird to me that I will hit a year soon because I feel like I just started, but as well like I have lived here for years because it all seems normal to me seeing drunk/high people in the street, other religions trying to prove us wrong, hundreds of dogs, people staring, swearing, and others that say we are terrible people, but with all of this I just love how much I am learning and how wonder it feels to have the gospel in my life which gives me the determination to share it with everyone. The other day we kinda had a cruddy day and didn't have much success and we were just contacting people and trying to teach other less actives. We were knocking on a less active's house when a guy came up to us and asked, "Are you guys Jehovah's Witnesses?" we told him no and then he asked if we were christians and we told him well yes. He just looked at us and said that he needed help moving a TV because his wife just got out of the hospital and can't move that well, so we told him yes and followed him to his house. When we entered in his house he started to ask us a ton of questions like where are you from?, who are you guys?, what do you do?, and a ton more and we put a teaching appointment with him last Saturday. When Saturday came we visited and started teaching the Restoration and when we got to the part about when Peter James and John gave the Priesthood to Joseph Smith he stopped us and said," Ok so Jesus had this authority right that he got from God, then when Jesus was on the earth he gave this authority to his Apostles, then later his Apostles gave the priesthood to this Joe Smith guy right?" we told him yes and he told us that it makes so much sense. After we told him we have a living Prophet today and he flipped out because he said, " Why have I not learned of this Joe Smith guy or that there is a Prophet today?" It was super awesome and his family was really great as well, so these are some people we are working with right now.

love you all 
-Elder Wolford

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