Friday, July 1, 2016

Learning the Guitar!!!

This week has been full of wonderful experiences and little miracles at every turn. Well finally I got my kid after waiting for a long time and the wait was worth it he is literally an answer to my prayers. First I will tell you a little about my new comp Elder Serna who is from a place close to Cancun. His family has in the church for a long time even longer than us and he played water polo for years which is super cool because the last time I watched the Olympics I remember two dudes choking each other under the water fighting for the ball, which means my comp is a BAD-A. Training is not to bad other than sometimes I get us lost or don't know where to go, but we are working super hard because Elder Serna is an awesome missionary and teaches like an Apostle because of his knowledge of the scriptures and his ability to speak through the Spirit. The truth is I am learning more from him than I think he is from me he is even teaching me how to play the guitar which is super cool because it helps to have someone really teaching you. This last week we have been talking to everyone, teaching lessons, and finding people who have some interest in listening to us. We are working hard with less actives to help our branch become a ward because they need more active priesthood holders so that's kinda what we have been trying to do this week.

  There is a quote I will never forget because it runs through my head everyday and it was said by President Russel M. Nelson when I got to see him in the MTC and he said, " If you only have one convert your whole mission...I hope that convert will be you." I can't explain with words how important that is and how the mission has changed my life and everyday I'm being converted. I love you all so much and wish you the best for this week.

Well I finally got my kid and he is super awesome and honestly I am learning a whole lot, even more than I could have imagined. He knows the scriptures really well and he is helping me learn the guitar because he knows how to play so that has been awesome. Right now I'm learning two songs on the guitar Saying I Love You and Send me on my way from Ice age the movie. 

-Elder Wolford

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